FUNDING & sponsoring FROM

World Food Program (WFP)


April-June 2023

Management of malnutrition using the simplified approach integrating the other components of immunisation, reproductive health, EPTC/PECP and PECci in the Kouango-Grimari Health District

Activity context

The malaria situation is still worrying in Basse-Kotto following the upsurge in violence by armed groups in the region, forcing the population to move to sites where hygiene conditions leave much to be desired and health institutions are weakened, exposing the population to the risk of malaria infection. Difficult access to healthcare has led to a major malaria pandemic.

COHEB was the implementing partner of the 2018 door-to-door LLIN (Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets) distribution campaign in the sub- prefecture of Ippy in partnership with World Vision, financed by the Global Fund. In addition, it has already carried out routine distributions in health facilities and mass distributions to displaced and host populations in its areas of intervention under various projects funded by WHO and UNFPA.

COHEB has been based in the BasseKotto Prefecture since 2009, and to date has been active in the fields of health and nutrition, food security/sustainable solutions, education and protection, giving it a strong presence in the region.


Contribute to halving malaria-related morbidity and mortality in the general population of Health Region 6, including children under 5 and pregnant women, by receiving and stocking 100% of LLINs in the bases of the Mobaye, Zangba, Alindao, Mingala, Kembé and Satema sub-prefectures and then transporting them to the pre-positioning sites determined by the MSP and WV within the planned timeframe.

Expected Results of The Program

That 100% of the LLINs received be stockpiled and pre-positioned in the locations indicated by MSP and WV in accordance with the memorandum of understanding for distribution in the six (06) sub- prefectures of the three (03) health districts of region n°6 so that all households receive the nets in accordance with the Universal Coverage strategy.

Basse-Kotto prefecture, in the Kembé-Satéma health district, Kembé sub-prefecture. The health facilities supported were: the HD of Kembé, the CS of Dimbi, the CS of Cafe-Bangui, the CS of Ndikassi, the CS of Limassa, the PS of Bangouro and the PS of Guilo.

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