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APRIL 2021-2024
The main objective of this government project, initiated with the support of the World Bank, is to support peace-seeking efforts through the development of productive infrastructure and skills for agricultural and rural entrepreneurship, the improvement or construction of community infrastructure necessary for the promotion and development of agricultural and agribusiness activities in urban and peri-urban areas of Bangui and Bambari and their surroundings within a radius of 45 km.
The aim is to support the Government in meeting these challenges by consolidating existing activities, supporting the aggro-pastoral production of micro-farmers, developing aggro-business in the Bangui and Bambari area within a radius of 45 km and providing an immediate and effective response in the event of an emergency or a potential crisis.
It is also an opportunity to strengthen social cohesion and the search for stability and peace within communities
-Of villages identified for the development of community productive infrastructure: 51 -CVDs trained in the management of village self-promotion organizations and community facilities, environmental health and sanitation, basic concept of financial management of productive infrastructure: 51 -COGES trained in the management of village self-promotion organizations and community facilities, environmental health and sanitation, basic concept of financial management of productive infrastructure: 51 -Of groups/cooperatives/individuals micro-farmers trained in business plan development: 253 -Of groups/cooperatives/individuals micro-farmers trained in the development -Of micro-pastoral agros projects and having submitted business plans for financing by UNCT/PRADAC: 253
Bambari sub-prefecture and its surrounding areas remain under the control of armed groups. With a reinforced presence of government and allied armed forces in the town for some time, armed elements suspected of belonging to rebel groups occasionally carry out sporadic attacks for the simple purpose of refueling, making it difficult for animation activities to reach the roads
Multidimensional strategies in carrying hope for a more united world where the Love of God is shared through actions amongst affected individuals and communities all over the world.