Category Health & Nutrition

3 Oct

Management of malnutrition using the simplified approach integrating the other components of immunization, reproductive health, PTPE/PECP and PECci in the Kouango-Grimari Health District (phases II and III).

The project as a whole targeted children under 5 suffering from SAM and MAM, pregnant and breast- feeding women, as well as surgical emergencies.​


29 Jul

Emergency Humanitarian Health and Nutrition Assistance and Protection Monitoring Project for Host, Displaced and Returnee Populations affected by the Humanitarian Crisis in the Kembé Sub-Prefecture

FUNDING & sponsoring FROM HUMANITARIAN FUND FH RCA DURATION January – July 2023 Emergency Humanitarian Health and Nutrition Assistance and Protection Monitoring Project for Host, Displaced and Returnee Populations affected […]


29 Jun

Implementation Of Activities To Store And Transport Long-Lasting Impregnated Mosquito Nets to Pre-Positioning Sites

FUNDING & sponsoring FROM World Food Program (WFP) DURATION April-June 2023 Management of malnutrition using the simplified approach integrating the other components of immunisation, reproductive health, EPTC/PECP and PECci in […]


14 Oct

Emergency Nutritional Support for Children Suffering from Severe Acute Malnutrition in the Bambari Health District

The main objective of the project was to maintain an emergency response in nutrition in 11 health centers (FOSA) in the Health District


5 Aug

Lifesaving Health Interventions in Areas Affected by Election Violence

the main objective of this project is to carry out activities in the field of primary health mobile clinics strategy to save lives in displaced and host communities affected by the post-election conflicts in the Bambari and Grimari-Kouango Health Districts


14 Mar

Assisting The Sub-Prefecture of Ippy

A team made up of members of the central coordination of COHEB and the Bambari District carried out a mission in DS Bam-bari, more specifically in Seko and Ippy and some flagship localities in order to strengthen the activities of the emergency health and nutrition project


8 Dec

Emergency Response in The District of Kembe-Satema

Maintaining the scaling up of the emergency humanitarian response in Health and Nutrition in the Kembe - Satema Health District in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic


14 Mar

Emergency Nutrition and Health Support Project for Host, Displaced and Returnee Communities Affected by the Humanitarian Crisis and/or at Risk from The COVID-19 Pandemic

Raising awareness of Covid-19 in the Dimbi health area and providing people with hand-washing kits Dimbi Health Centre, July 2020 COHEB-CAR


10 Feb

Emergency nutritional care for children suffering from severe acute malnutrition in the Bambari Health District, Ippy Sub-Prefecture

This project aims to provide an emergency nutrition response in 9 localities in the Bambari Health District (Bambari and Ippy sub- prefectures)


29 Nov

Emergency Nutritional Assistance for Conflict-Afflicted Populations in the Bambari health District

Nutritional surveys based on the SMART methodology in 2019 revealed a worrying nutritional situation in the Ouaka Prefecture, with a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate estimated at 13.2%.
